
Sometimes I like to sit back and enjoy beauty

Friday, October 31, 2014

New Binary System

My new system uses colors.  Red means on, and blue means off.  Oh well.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


1. I got to level 5
2. The hardest part of the binary game was the problems where you had to come up with the number. 
3. I do not, because it is not what I'm used to.
4. Weeeeeeelllllllllllllll, you can count with them either up or down.  Each finger is a different base.
5. You can use binary to store data in computers, that can be accessed later.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Where does he get his hair cut?

Three things I learned from this is that cell phones have headphone jacks, what headphones are, and what I want my hairstyle to be.  Two things I don't understand well are: the math, and how your ears weok.  One thing I would like to know more about is where he gets his haircut from.


Monday, October 20, 2014


1. Google changed from a small two man operation to a large corporation when they were unable to sell their idea to any existing large tech company.  They then decided to start their own company, and their idea took off. 
2. Two challenges that Google is facing as it moves forward are: keeping up with other companies that have embraced Google's search technique, and knowing which product areas to expand into. 
3. Their key to being ahead of the competition is to make sure that more people continue to use Google above other search engines.
4. They collect and save webpages with their robot crawlers, and have a very good algorithm to determine page listing priority.


1. I did not feel like Eliza was very human like.  She seemed to repeat the same things over and over again, until it was quite boring.
2. Have her give a wider range of responses.  It just feels like the programmer was lazy.
3. Well, since it is programmed by humans, there can be a wide variety of different reactions to different things.  You cannot expect the programmer to predict all of the human emotions, and have the program accurately respond.
4. Not really, no.  They are getting closer, but even things like Clever Bot or Siri make no sense sometimes.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Choose Your Own Thingy

I learned that cornrow braids are not only widespread in Africa, they are also quite ancient.  Cornrow hairstyles in Africa also cover a wide social terrain: religion, kinship, status, age, ethnicity, and other attributes of identity can all be expressed in hairstyle. But stylized geometric models of cornrows are quite traditional to Africa. While adults' hair was often  straightened, children’s hair continued to be a place where the cornrow tradition could be carried on.  WOWWWWWWWWW. Amazing. Utterly incredible.